Thomas Byrne Associates - Archive for January 2023

Conforming to the 2019 Pay Equity Act- What Steps Can You Take?

by Thomas Byrne Associates | January 5, 2023

Connecticut is making great strides to diminish the gender pay gap and increase workplace equality.  As of January 2019, Connecticut employers are prohibited from inquiring (or directing a third party to inquire)…

The Advantages of Hiring a Millennial

by Thomas Byrne Associates |

Whether you own a small business, run a multinational corporation, or fall somewhere in between the two, chances are you employ millennials in your organization. A millennial is someone who was born…

Launching an Experienced Financial Development Program… and maintaining top brand year after year!

by Thomas Byrne Associates |

Great companies require great leaders: This is critically true in the accounting and finance arena. Recently, a growing number of companies have joined the fray in creating experienced financial leadership programs (EFLP’s)…

The Crucial Skills to Land a Job in 2015

by Thomas Byrne Associates |

The successful job applicant in 2015 will possess a multi-faceted array of knowledge, aptitudes and personality characteristics. The equation for the perfect employee looks something like this: Formal/specific training + natural &…

Your Online Reputation and Your Career

by Thomas Byrne Associates |

In this age of at-your-fingertips information on everything and everyone, it should come as no surprise that, according to online job search expert Susan P. Joyce, 80% of employers Google job seekers…